Aura Cleansing Package / Quita Mala Suerte Package/Package Desenvoutement


Jinx Remover Package includes 7 day candle , 1 Jinx Remover Body Splash , 1 Jinx Remover Body Soap, 1 Bottle of Florida Water Cologne, 1 White Sage Smudging Stick.

Reviews (2)


Love love love !!! My dreams and overall spiritual insight has been very clear. Keep up the wonderful work!! Asè

Where do I even begin, I am blown away by the changes that have come into my life on both a mental and spiritual level while using this package I have had many ah-ha moments that have allowed me to appreciate other perspectives that may have conflicted with my own on a deeper level. Overall I feel more thankful for "Life" and have found the answers to questions I had long forgotten. As always the quality of the product cannot be beaten from AuntieA, I 100% recommend this package for anyone just needing to Break-Away from the negativity and gloom brought about in the daily.

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